Monday, July 15, 2013

And I love the baby steps.......

Another great week of course because I 'm a missionary and every week we cry and God picks us back up. I cant remember who said it but one of the something authorities said "a mission is a mini life". So true. We experience every emotion and trial and love and happiness and sadness and heartbreak and greatest joy as a missionary!!!!!! I couldn't love it more!!!!!!! This is real life. I am LOVING reading the bible. Oh my goodness!!!!!!! I  love it.  I am finding SO many truths in the bible that I have always loved when I found int he Book of Mormon. The best part is when I get to share it with my investigators. I love seeing the light in their eyes awaken when I teach them the TRUTH!!!!
So let me tell you a great story:) so lets just say on Friday I was..... BROKEN.... wow did my heart hurt. I was SO sick of being an "english teacher" and I was ready to get out and find those prepared souls and I just wanted to baptize all of my amazing investigators!!! So after me and my comp (who has the same desires) had a good cry during planning... A GOOD CRY.  We decided to get out and work! so that is what we did. And miracles happened. The next day our english investigator we were going to meet that day decided she only wanted to study the gospel. happiness!!!! And wow that lesson was amazing. She LOVES the truth. She has studied religions looking for the right one and she loves our message. She has met missionaries before but felt like they only wanted her to get baptized and she felt too much pressure! So she dropped them. She was thankful that even though we asked her to be baptized that we told her it was her choice. I told her "baptism is really important, but first you need faith. You first need a testimony that this gospel is true. You need to want to know it is true." I told her that after she has a testimony, she will want to be baptized!" I told her it was her decision, but that our purpose as missionaries is to help her follow the perfect example of Jesus Christ. And by being baptized, we are following that example. She is amazing. She loves our message, but wants to study it more. She loves how we teach truth from both the bible and the book of mormon! She finds it amazing that the truth is in both of our books. I loved what she said when she said "agh, it just makes sense"....  YA of course it makes sense, because it is the truth. The truth will never confuse! That is something I have loved as a missionary. I have loved knowing when I am following the spirit and when I am teaching truth, that I am never confused. I have this love and peace and hope and confidence! It's all true! I know it.
Speaking of following the spirit. So I have prayed relentlessly for our investigator (Sister Kwon from china). Oh do I love her,  but she is just SO SLOW! Hurry up and BELIEVE ALREADY!!!!! ha ha ha. I'm kidding, it doesn't work like that. But yesterday I felt SO impressed to have a member come to her house for the lesson, ... which in Korea is not really polite. Actually.... really not polite to invite strangers to some one's house........ but I did. I called Sister Kwon and she said, "sure". Mercy. ... umm okay, best lesson every with her!!!!!!! First off, she has been reading the book of mormon and loves it. She read in Alma 37 and loved it. "By small things are great things come to pass". And THEN she prayed. Like,  with out us begging her to pray. Let me tell you what I think it was. When  I got the  impression to have a member come I was surprised at who I felt impressed to ask.  Her name is sister Kim and she is Diondras age and if you looked at her you would not think she is a member. She is an amazing member but has too many ear piercings, crazy hair, and shows too much skin etc..... but, I LOVE HER.   I asked her to help. She said yes.    MERCY. Amazing. So I think the miracle was that sister Kwon saw someone "different" and saw that though some things in the gospel are hard for her to follow now, she still has a testimony that it is true. We taught the plan of salvation and the spirit was on fire. I think that lesson was a blessing for every one in that room. Especially for me and our investigator. It was a mercy to see some completely imperfect people (me) teaching a perfect message and having it touch the life of someone we love. Mercy. I was so thankful for that lesson and that we had a member there and that it was the right member and that our investigator loves the book of mormon. MERCY!  My comp and I were filled with JOY!
The other miracle of this week was our less active, sister Wong. Her husband does not let her come to church and on her record it says "DON'T VISIT!!!! They said to never visit or call ever again.".... but guess who knows better... God. So of course God told us to go visit. Well, us being the scaredy cats that we are decided that we would first heart attack her door and then the next week we would visit. Well last week we heart attacked ( that's where we cover their door with paper hearts and a spiritual message and sometimes candies). And miracles happened. This week, SHE CALLED US!!!!!! She said "I miss the missionaries. I am a convert and love the church and missionaries. Can I take you out to lunch?".... after me and my companion woke up from what we thought was a dream, we said, "YES". The lunch was amazing. Later that night when we sent a thank you text she replied "I know I am less active but I love the missionaries and I really want to help you. If you ever need anything let me know and please come by and visit again"..... prayers are answered and it is Gods work. I love it!!  I am so thankful to be a missionary. Yes my prayer for a baptism did not happen. But YET, it will happen. I know it will! The miracles we saw this week are only necessary steps to get someone in the waters of baptism. AND I LOVE THE BABY STEPS. What About Bob says it best "baby steps" :). But each one of those baby steps is a step towards our heavenly Father. God rejoices when those baby steps are made, and as a missionary when we see those baby steps we rejoice because we can also feel of Gods happiness! It's true. I know it. I feel the spirit burn in me every time I say "I know it". Because it's true. The truth burns of happiness and fallacies make us confused. Simple as that.
Well mom, I love you.  And thanks a billion for the support and prayers. Oh I love this work and I love serving here in Korea. Though I sometimes very much don't like their culture, I really do love the people and desire their salvation. I need my wonderful Korean people to be with me in heaven again. I need it and that is why I'm working my butt off to make sure it happens. I love y9ou to the moon and back!!!!!
Love Collie Ensign
p.s. I am so excited for the wedding. Take lots of pictures! Tell them congrats... again and I LOVED the picture.  God does answer all prayers.... ,. Love you

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